Hello Gorgeous
Welcome to the memory keeping class that's all about you! Increase your happiness, practice self-love, and gain self-confidence through documenting your story.
A beautiful and fulfilling life happens at the corner where creativity meets self-love. Hello, Gorgeous is a memory keeping course that will help you find that place.
If you’re looking for a way to expand your creative abilities and learn how to use memory-keeping as a way to encourage self-love and positivity, Hello, Gorgeous is the perfect course for you! Whether you’re brand new to the world of crafting and scrapbooking, or a skillful creative who wants to practice self-love, this class will give you the tools you need to create a beautiful album of memories designed to help remind you just how awesome you really are.
Hello, Gorgeous has 16 lessons and 13 videos that will teach you how to make your heart soar with creativity and self-appreciation. You’ll find tips designed to help you use your creativity to give yourself that positive boost and bring self-love into your everyday life, all while creating one-of-a-kind physical representations of the things that make you your beautiful self! Over the course of this class, you will:
- Learn various methods of documenting your life, your story, and who you are in this moment.
- Practice being able to put into words the things that bring you joy about yourself, allowing you to focus more on all the wonderful things about you!
- Notice the beautiful things about yourself that are worth documenting.
- Become more confident and happy with yourself as you are.
- Learn how to have a positive mindset and cultivates gratitude for yourself.
- Make an entire album of memories and stories about you!
- Learn how to practice self-love through your memory keeping process.
You and your beautiful life are worth documenting, and the Hello, Gorgeous course will help you get started on your journey of self-love! My easy-to-follow videos and lessons will help you step-by-step through creating an album that honor your story, using photographs, art journaling, lists and more.
Your Instructor
Hey, I'm Laura. I'm a 28-year-old lover of rescue dogs and paper crafting. I'm obsessed with memory keeping and making pretty things. I believe in glitter, magic, and possibilities. I'm passionate about helping you practice a self-love mindset and document your stories. I blog about memory keeping, self-love, diy projects and more over at www.laurarahel.com/blog
Get started now!

"I took Hello, Gorgeous to improve how I document my story and to put all the little pieces of who I am into an album. I have benefited from this class because I now document the tiny little details about myself that I didn't before. This is something I will really enjoy to look back on in years to come and to see how far I've really come. The prompts made me think outside of the box and it was all about loving the true, unique you of who you are and documenting the little things that you don't necessary include in your everyday documenting. I wouldn't change anything about the class, I love it just how it is. I've really enjoyed this class and it's gotten me out of my creative comfort zone."
- Lydia

"The first thing that attracted me to the class is definitely my love for your work. And when I read the class is all about self-love I was sure it was something I needed. When I started the class I expected to struggle through the process but the prompts were so simple that I had no trouble working with them at all. Going through those simple ideas put my mind in perspective and helped me clear some things. We always have the impression that we know ourselves but I think most of us never really know who we are. I definitely know more about myself and by documenting everything in an album, I make sure I will never forget it. I think the ability to go back and remind myself how amazing I am is the best thing I took from the class.
Every time I went through another lesson I felt that it was my favorite so far! It's hard to pick between all the prompts. If I really had to choose a favorite part of the class, I'd say turning negative qualities into positive attributes was the most rewarding process in terms of self love.
I think it's a class every person can benefit from. Even people that are happy with themselves can still take a lot by practicing the prompts and taking a deeper look into their souls. Also the videos of the scrapbooking process are all so simple and easy for anyone to follow even if they are beginners in memory keeping. The class was beautifully balanced. There was a good amount of everything that you would want in a class, design focused prompts, journaling prompts in a combination that focuses both on practicing self-love and documenting it.
- Zinia

" I took the Hello, Gorgeous class because I'm struggling with self love and finding my calling in life currently. Really wanted an extra boost. I have greatly benefited from Hello, Gorgeous! I have learned so many tips/tricks from watching your scrapbooking style... Learned about project life, and how you get your incredible style. This class has also benefited me with my self love. I've had to think about traits about myself that I don't normally think about. Also it's made me focus on myself for once. Mothers don't normally get a lot of that! I'm learning to love myself for the way I am. And getting some great inspiration.
My favorite thing about the class is getting to create something about myself. You don't have to be a crazy amazing scrapbooker to take the class, you just need a passion to memory keep and a desire to better yourself. I would like to continue my album even after the class is over. And making my self love stronger. So then I can love others more and become happier."
- Sarah

"I took this course in order to help me develop more self-love. I’ve been going through a lot of stress of trying to complete a master’s program and I wanted to re-learn how to love myself that way I can bring the same confidence that I feel to my students. I want to help my students feel as confident as I do, even of stressful days. I had a wonderful experience. My favortite part of Hello, Gorgeous class is that I got inspired to finally start an album dedicated solely to me. After taking this course, I know I will continue to document more about me- my travels, my likes and disklikes, my favorite books and more. Hello, Gorgeous was awesome. The videos were great and the music was catchy."
- Raisa